GetTested’s Cortisol Test measures bioavailable and free cortisol on seven occasions during a day. Cortisol is released in response to physical or mental stress. Produced by the adrenal glands, cortisol boosts physical and mental performance under short-term stress. However, consistently high cortisol levels can harm your health, while too low levels can also be problematic. This test is particularly useful for individuals experiencing chronic stress, fatigue, or other stress-related symptoms.
Additionally, DHEA, another hormone influenced by stress, is commonly measured alongside cortisol for a comprehensive hormonal assessment. Our DHEA Saliva Test can further enhance understanding of your stress response and hormonal balance.
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Cortisol is a stress hormone that is released when we are exposed to physical or mental stress. Cortisol is produced in the adrenal glands and helps you perform better physically and mentally in situations that the body perceives as acute stress. In the distant past, stress was a natural reaction to protect yourself from predators, whereas nowadays stress takes on a different form. Today, our stress comes from a modern setting, such as stress about paying the bills.
The stress we experience in today’s society often becomes chronic stress. This means high levels of cortisol building up in the body for long periods of time. This causes high levels of cortisol which is harmful and dangerous to the body, resulting in high blood pressure and high blood sugar which can cause type-2 diabetes.
However, too little cortisol in the body is not good either. If the cortisol levels become really low, the urine excretes large amounts of sodium, which can lead to life-threatening conditions.
It is important to know if you are at a risk of being affected by any of these conditions. By taking GetTested’s test, you can get an indication of your cortisol levels and take adequate measures to prevent cortisol disorders.
Cortisol has a variety of functions in our body. In acute stressful situations, cortisol secretion helps you perform better, both physically and mentally. Cortisol is also important for the movement of the intestines and controls the body’s metabolism of sugar, fat and protein. With its anti-inflammatory effect, cortisol counteracts the function of the immune system, which makes us more susceptible to infections.
Your cortisol level is not always related to your stress level. Physical activity also increases cortisol secretion in the body, but unlike secretion during stress, cortisol instead reduces inflammation that occurs on the muscles. In the medical world, cortisol is best known for its anti-inflammatory and muscle-degrading effects in the treatment of inflammatory diseases, and this is then treated by adding cortisone.
Cortisol also controls the immune system and reduces swelling in allergies and insect bites. Therefore, Cortisol is a vital hormone for our wellbeing.
Cortisol levels should be at the highest in the morning and lowest at night. The metabolism of fats, sugars and proteins is all controlled by the cortisol. The amount of cortisol itself depends on what you do and how much stress you put on yourself. Stress can raise the cortisol levels, as well as being injured, having fever, infections or too high adrenaline.
In the long run, however, high levels are harmful to the body and with high levels of cortisol for a long time, fat burning decreases and impairs insulin sensitivity, which in the long run can lead to obesity and type-2 diabetes.
Low levels of cortisol can lead to menstrual disorders, muscle weakness and general mental illness, as well as cortisol inhibiting inflammation. In more rare and extreme cases, low cortisol can lead to adrenal insufficiency (also known as Addison’s disease). In such cases, the body does not make enough hormones. Diseases like Addison’s disease can cause life-threatening conditions and usually need to be medicated, but “Milder” conditions still cause a huge stress on the body and mind and should not be left untreated.
The most common symptoms of low cortisol are:
GetTested’s Cortisol Test measures your cortisol levels from your saliva instead of blood, making it a lot more convenient to use. For example, people with naturally cold hands may experience difficulty acquiring blood from pricking their finger, which makes a blood test not ideal. It is also more comfortable for people who are sensitive to blood and needles.
GetTested’s Cortisol Test measures bioavailable and free cortisol at seven points throughout the day, combining the first morning values into one, resulting in five reported values. Cortisol is released in response to physical or mental stress, enhancing physical and mental performance under short-term stress. However, consistently high cortisol levels can be harmful, while low levels can also pose health problems. This test is especially useful for those experiencing chronic stress, fatigue, or other stress-related symptoms.
For a comprehensive hormonal assessment, DHEA—another hormone affected by stress—is often measured alongside cortisol. Our DHEA Saliva Test can provide additional insights into your stress response and hormonal balance.
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