TEF (Thyrotrophic Embryonic Factor): TEF is a member of the PAR bZIP (proline and acidic amino acid-rich basic leucine zipper) transcription factor family. It is involved in circadian rhythm regulation and plays a role in the expression of clock-controlled genes. TEF is important for maintaining the circadian rhythm in physiological processes, including metabolism and hormone secretion. Dysregulation of TEF can impact circadian rhythm-related disorders and metabolic diseases, highlighting its significance in the synchronization of biological processes with the environmental light-dark cycle....
Lab Test
GetTested’s DNA Brain Health test provides a detailed genetic analysis of 288 genes to understand factors that affect your mental health. This at-home test examines specific genes related to memory, stress management, anxiety susceptibility, and mood swings, offering a comprehensive insight into how your unique genetic makeup impacts your mental well-being.
179.99 USD