GPM6A (Glycoprotein M6A): GPM6A encodes a glycoprotein primarily expressed in the nervous system, playing a critical role in neurite outgrowth and the formation of neuronal networks. It's involved in the development and maintenance of the myelin sheath, crucial for efficient nerve signal transmission. GPM6A has been implicated in neurological disorders, including schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, due to its role in neuronal plasticity and myelination. Research suggests that alterations in GPM6A expression or function can impact synaptic connectivity and brain function, potentially contributing to the pathophysiology of these neuropsychiatric conditions....
Lab Test
GetTested’s DNA Brain Health test provides a detailed genetic analysis of 288 genes to understand factors that affect your mental health. This at-home test examines specific genes related to memory, stress management, anxiety susceptibility, and mood swings, offering a comprehensive insight into how your unique genetic makeup impacts your mental well-being.
179.99 USD